Large Association of Movie Blogs

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Five favorite Christmas-type movies not really classified as Christmas movies

Lady and the Tramp
The movie begins with Lady as a Christmas present.  The movie ends at Christmas-time.  In between is light-hearted fun, conflict and misunderstanding, and then a happy ending.  What a great family movie to watch over the holidays.


Little Women
It has snow!  It shows Christmas scenes, parties, and presents.  There is light-hearted fun, conflict and misunderstanding, some sadness with resolve, and then a warm ending.  Another great family movie to watch over the holidays.

Young at Heart
A happy family until Sinatra shows up and adds some tragedy.  Lessons learned.  Christmas scenes.

Falling in Love
It begins with Christmas and ends with Christmas.  One of the few movies where I actually like DeNiro.  Streep is good in this part.

You've Got Mail
Christmas scenes, cute, humorous, satisfying ending.

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